Saturday, May 28, 2011

Dadap herb serep

Dadap herb serep is a natural remedy containing alkaloids. Substance alkoloid has a cooling and anti-inflammatory properties. Bark serep dadap plants have a property to thin the sputum.

dadap serep
The following recipes are made ​​from spare dadap following types of diseases that can be cured:

To cope with fever, skin and young branches dadap serep kneaded, then add a little fennel and pulosari and brewed with 1 cup of water. This herbal drink 2x a day.

Childbed fever
In contrast to fever, puerperal fever to use some of the young leaves are pounded dadap spare, after a smooth, boreh to the stomach. Do this 2x a day.

To cope with swelling in the skin, try mashed roughly dadap spare some leaves, then the result of the collision was used as boreh to the swelling. Do it as often as possible.

Smooth milk
The mothers of the past always use a potion made ​​from dadapp spare. Prepare some spare dadap leaves squeezed. Seduhlah with 1 cup water. Drink this mixture daily 1x

It is very easy, you just memborehkan to the forehead concoction made ​​from a spare dadap knead this.

Preventing Miscarriage
Miscarriage is something feared by pregnant mothers. Use some spare dadap leaves pounded, then used as boreh thick on the belly. Replace this mixture 3 times a day.

Stomach Heartburn
To overcome these stomach pains, there are two ways to make a potion.
The first way: Leaves dadap serep dilayukan on the fire, put on his stomach.
The second way: Some of the leaf blade dadap spare, some duck bill leaves are pounded with a little water. Then, boreh this herb to the stomach.

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